Agenda - Innovation Journeys
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Five days full of inspiration.

One unique feature of our trip is that most presentations are NOT presentations at all but rather conversations with the experts and entrepreneurs who accompany us on our excursions. The relaxed environment on such journeys allows us not only to work together but also to immerse ourselves in the spirit of the world’s most innovative region.


Metaverse / Augmented Reality / Artificial Intelligence

We’ll drive together in one of our black Silicon Valley buses towards Palo Alto and visit the HQs of companies located there, e.g. Meta in Menlo Park, Google in Mountain View, and Apple in Cupertino. If time allows, we will visit Stanford University on the way back to San Francisco. This is the only day with conventional presentations:


  • Metaverse
  • Augmented Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Stanford University

Speakers: Among others from Meta and Facebook, Google, Apple, Stanford University, tba.
Special Guest: Art Swift

innovation journeys silicon valley


Cybersecurity / Big Data / Blockchain / Crypto

The second day is all about cybersecurity, big data and blockchain. We will attain deep insights into current and future prospects and learn how nations monitor their citizens, what warfare in cyberspace looks like and how we can safeguard ourselves in the future.


  • Cyber War
  • Espionage & Lawful Interception
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain & Crypto(Currency)
Conversations with: Among others from the FBI, DIUX, Palantir, tba.

Special Guest: Dr. Fred Cohen
Dinner: The Battery


New Work / Automation / Politics / Culture & Lifestyle

The third day centers on the future of work. How will it be organized? How will high-potential employees be recruited and kept? How will routine mental work be taken over by software and how will this unleash new potentials that will launch humans into the next stage of our evolution, even to other planets?


  • New Work
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • How to start a company in the USA
  • Dis/Advantages for German companies
Conversations with: Among others from Salesforce, True Search, AutomationAnywhere, State of California, German American Business Association, tbd.
Reception at the Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Special Guest: tba.

Lunch: Waterbar

Dinner: World famous San Francisco Steak Restaurant Harris’

innovation journey silicon valley learning journey
terraforming innovation journeys silicon valley


Terraforming / Mobility / Green IT / Energy

The fourth day continues where the third day left off. We’ll go all-in-futuristic with the colonization of planets and how we will repair our earth and make it livable again for coming generations.

Conversations with: Among others from Terraforming Capital, Tesla, etc. and tba.
Special Guest: Daniel Riedel

Lunch: The Marshall Store

Dinner: Exclusive private dinner at an entrepreneur’s home.


Venture Capital

The fifth and last day of our Innovation Journey takes us to Sonoma County which, along with Napa Valley, is California’s premier wine producing region. The picturesque Russian River Valley right next door is largely unknown to tourists making it perfect for connoisseurs not only of fine wines but of insights into a world in which more than 63 billion dollars are being invested in start-ups annually.

Conversations with: Among others from


The Agenda may change slightly – for the better.

The Agenda may change slightly – but only for the better.
Innovation Journeys is an open format and, like many things in this world, a work in progress. As on our previous Innovation Journeys, we remain open to new contributors who might pop up at any moment and turn your journey from useful into unique. Which is why we are constantly going after the greatest minds, the latest visionaries, the truest trailblazers right up to the very last minute of planning – to let each journey go where no journey has gone before. So please note that our agenda is alive and can evolve. However: What you see is always what you get as promised on Jan 24 – any changes will only be made to offer you more! Updates will go out every time a new topic, speaker or businessperson is added to the Agenda, but only to those who have signed up for the Journey, so you might want to do that soon. After all, airfares are only going up!

innovation journeys silicon valley journeys


Five days worth to invest.

The Price for Silicon Valley Journey from 06. – 10. May 2o24 is

10,000 €. Included: 4 Star Hotel, Transportation, Speaker’s Compensations, Rent for exclusive Locations, and some fancy extras. Excluded: Flight – for many conceivable reasons.

Time is galloping: Because of hugh demand, traveling conditions change like an unicorn on Speed. So, sign up early and book your ticket asap.

Register now and safe 10% at your next Silicon Valley Journey!