Terms of Use - Innovation Journeys - Innovation Journeys
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Terms of Use – Innovation Journeys

Please read these Terms of Use (ToU) carefully as they govern your use of this website. By continuing you indicate that you accept the ToU.

Website operator and ownership

The website is operated and owned by:

LaVita GmbH
Steingrabenstr. 6 D
82211 Herrsching
Email: info@lavita-gmbh.de

As used herein, the term “website” shall be understood in a broad sense, including among others the website as such, any computer code compiled therein, the website design, any content of the website or parts thereof, such as works, products or services published, made available or accessible on or through the website, as well as names, signs, logos, trademarks or similar references to us or our licensors.

Permissible use

The website may only be used in accordance with these ToU and the laws of Germany. The website aims exclusively at companies, entrepreneurs and businesses. The website is neither intended for, nor targeted at, consumers.

Limitation of liability

The website is provided free of charge. Accordingly, we neither assume nor accept any liability whatsoever, whether by means of statute, contract, tort or otherwise, in connection with the website and your use of it. We do not warrant that the website is accurate, up-to-date, complete, reliable or error-free. We shall not be liable for injuries, damages, losses, futile expenses or other types of physical or economic harm caused by the website or incurred while using it, save to the extent caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence on our part, in which case our liability shall be limited as follows: Our liability for the gross negligent violation of a material duty shall not exceed the amount of typical foreseeable damages. We shall not be liable for the gross negligent violation of a non-material duty.

Link disclaimer

The website may contain links or other references to webpages, products, services, content or sources of third parties (collectively: “third party content”). We endeavor to link and reference only such third party content that we deem to be compliant and safe. However, as third party content is not under our control, we exclude and waive any liability in connection with it. Likewise, we do not endorse any third party content, and we expressly disassociate ourselves from it. You access and use third party content at your own risk.

Reservation of rights

We retain and reserve all rights and title in the website. You may not share, duplicate, reproduce, process, distribute, decompile of otherwise use the website or any part thereof without our prior written consent, save to the extent permitted by mandatory law.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Notice can be found here

Reservation of changes

We reserve the right to change the website and the ToU at any time in our sole and unfettered discretion. Hence, please revisit these ToU each time you return to the website.

 Applicable law

The use of the website, the ToU and every dispute arising out of them or related thereto shall be governed solely by the laws of Germany.

Last revised: May the 31st 2022